Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Future of Libraries

According to "Away from the "icebergs" if libraries hold to their current course they may be sunk like the Titanic. Libraries must realize the changes which are taking place and be prepared to give up some of what they have held dear for so long (print collection) and educate the staff to be able to educate the customers. This last phase means hiring and training more staff to be technologically able to work with new material on the web. Also, increase the availability of staff to patrons, be there for the customers. Also, make getting to the information easy (short cuts).
Last but not least libraries must abandon the idea that everyone will darken their dooor when they need something. Many things are avilable on the web, by providing remote access to online resources libraies need to branch out to stay current.
I see a great deal of truth in all of the staements made. I do however see many positive trends in srevices offered by libraries now.

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